Associate research

Valesca Bononi Zipparro
I am Ecologist from the São Paulo State University (UNESP) of Rio Claro (1991), master's (1999), and doctoral's (2004) in Vegetal Biology from UNESP of Rio Claro.
I have knowledge in Botanic and Ecology, mainly researching phenology and seasonality of tropical plants, sampling of flora, and interactions ecology (dispersal and predation of seeds and seedlings).
I collaborate with the research of Labic, Department of Biodiversity in Rio Claro, in the area of defaunation and their influence on the diversity and composition of plants.

Luiz Guilherme Ribas
Luiz’s research is focused in evaluate the impacts of human activities and conservation interventions on biodiversity and ecosystems, he is also interested in biological invasions and bioassessment techniques. Member of The Conservation Planning Group (http://conservationplanning.org/).
Luiz is a post-doctorate researcher in the LaBiC in a project designed to evaluate the impact of indigenous lands on carbon stocks and biodiversity in the context of increasing mining activities in the Amazon rainforest.
Previously, he was a post-doctorate researcher in the project “Massive development of aquatic macrophytes (MADMACS): evaluation of the impact of removing macrophytes on structure, function, and services from ecosystems” (Universidade Federal do Paraná, UFPR). Also, he was a post-doctorate researcher in the INCT EECBio research group (Universidade Federal de Goiás, UFG).

Mayara Guimarães Beltrão
Biology and master degree in Ecology and Conservation from the State University of Paraiba (UEPB), and Ph.D. in Biology (Zoology) from the Federal University of Paraiba. Actually is post-doctorate in Labic from USP (Museum of Zoology) and research visitor in the University of Vanderbilt (Nashville, Tennessee-EUA).
Mayara is coordinator in elaboration of the management plans of RPPNs Pacatuba and Gargaú, located in Atlantic Forest of Paraiba, and member of PACTO from the restauration of Atlantic Forest. She is a collaborator in the Rio Grande do Norte Mammals Red List Working Group, and your lines of research involving mainly biodiversity, agricultural systems and the implications for the conservation of fauna and landscapes.
The current project developed together with LaBiC aims to understand how terrestrial mammals persist in the Endemism Center of Pernambuco in the face of the effects of changes in land use, based on landscape factors as determinants that shape this biodiversity, the use of space and its implications for conservation.

Daiane C. Carreira
I am a biologist with a Bachelor's degree from FHO|Uniararas (2006-2009), a Master's degree in Agriculture and Environment from UFSCar (2011-2013), and a Doctorate degree in Science from the Applied Ecology program at USP-Esalq (2016-2019). I am currently a post-doctoral student in the Department of Botany at UNESP. My main interests are in understanding the interactions between frugivores and plants and how the effects of defaunation modulate these interactions.

Lucas Gonçalves
Graduated in Biological Sciences (2007), Master in Biosciences/Ecology and Conservation (2010), PhD in Zoology (2014), and Post-doctorate in Evolutionary Zoology and Sustainable Development (2016-2021). He is currently a researcher at the Center for Research in Biodiversity and Climate Change (CBioClima) and Conservation Biology Lab (LaBiC) - São Paulo State University (UNESP). He is also a reviewer of several scientific journals in the areas of Environmental Sciences, Ecology, Zoology, Evolution and Biogeography.
His work focuses on the following areas: ecology, zoology, evolution, biogeography, sustainability, animal genetics and ecological modeling, and main professional activities are related to sustainable development, natural resources management, applied ecology, applied zoology, biodiversity patterns, endangered species and conservation biology.

Sergio Luiz Nazareth
Assists with field trips.