Doctoral student

Letícia Gonçalves Ribeiro
Name in Publications: Ribeiro, L. G.
Academic Background:
Bachelor’s degree in Biological Sciences from the Federal University of Lavras - MG.
Master’s degree in Soil Sciences from the Federal University of Lavras - MG.
PhD's student in Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity at the UNESP (2023 - 2027).
My primary research question is: "What is the effect of large herbivorous mammals on litter and soil properties?" My thesis is part of the DEFAU-BIOTA project, focusing on the Atlantic Forest. The study involves investigating the interactions and impacts of large herbivorous mammals, nematodes, and microorganisms in soil.
Funding Agencies:

Mateus Melo Dias
Name in Publications: Melo-Dias, M.
Academic Background:
Biologist and Master's in Applied Ecology from the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA/MG).
PhD's student in Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity at the UNESP (2024-2028).
I study the ecology and conservation of neotropical vertebrates, especially mammals, to understand the human-wildlife interactions, defaunation process, rewilding and ecological interactions in tropical ecosystems.
During my Master's degree, I worked on mitigating human-carnivore conflict in the Peruvian Andes. I have also participated in conservation projects developed by NGOs, environmental consultancies, and public institutions in Brazil.
In my PhD's research, my primary research question is to develop and test frameworks for prioritizing species and areas for trophic rewilding in the Neotropics, to reverse defaunation and advance ecological restoration in the region. The focus species of my research are tetrapod vertebrates distributed throughout the Atlantic Forest, Cerrado, Caatinga, and Amazon.
Funding Agencies:

Maria Eduarda Appel
Name in Publications: Appel, M. E.
Academic Background:
Bachelor’s degree in Biological Science from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS).
Master’s degree in Evolution, Ecology and Systematics at Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Germany.
PhD's student in Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity at the UNESP (2025-2029).
During my master’s, I studied how the selective pressures exerted by seed dispersers shape fruit traits using native fruits from the Brazilian Cerrado as a model system.
In my PhD's research, I aim to investigate how extant animals, including humans, can contribute to the persistence of plant species that have lost their primary dispersers, such as plants with large fruits that once relied on megafauna to disperse their seeds. By understanding the ecological consequences of these disrupted mutualisms, I hope to predict future outcomes for plant populations and identify practical conservation strategies involving seed dispersal.
External Affiliations: Evolutionary Ecology Research Group (EvE) at the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv).​
Funding Agencies:

Master student

Patricia Ferreira
Name in Publications: Ferreira, P. S.
Academic Background:
Ecologist, graduated from UNESP - Rio Claro.
Master’s student in Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity at the UNESP (2023 – 2025).
I'm studying fluctuating asymmetry in understory birds, focusing on understanding, through landscape metrics (forest cover and functional connectivity), how fragmentation effects may or may not cause asymmetry in four passerine species found in the Atlantic Forest (Automolus leucophthalmus, Chiroxiphia caudata, Conopophaga lineata, and Tachyphonus coronatus).
Funding Agencies:
External Affiliations: Internship abroad in Instituto de Ecología A.C. (INECOL) – Mexico.

Rafaela Forti
Name in Publications: Forti, R.
Academic Background:
Biological Sciences, graduated from Centro Universitário da Fundação Hermínio Ometto - Araras.
Technician-3 and FAPESP scholarship (2023).
Master’s student in Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity at the UNESP (2024 – 2026).
During my undergraduate studies, I observed bird frugivory on palm trees in the Edmundo Navarro de Andrade State Conservation Unit (FEENA).
In my master's research, I'm studying the effects of terrestrial mammal defaunation on the functional traits of seedlings in tropical forests, and changes in functional diversity.
Additionally, I monitor Rubia Henz and assist her by photographing plants in the field for use in her project.
Funding Agencies:

Maria Eduarda Veloso
Name in Publications: Veloso, M. E.
Academic Background:
Biological Sciences, graduated from UNESP.
Master’s student in Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity at the UNESP (2024 – 2026).
During my undergraduate studies, in scientific initiation, I studied the Neotropical herbivore's diet and the ecological influence of tapir (Tapirus terrestris) in the germination and recruitment of Psidium myrtoides.
Currently, in my master's project, I am working on the influence and effectiveness of tapir in the germination and recruitment process in the Atlantic Forest.
Additionally, I monitor Julian Antunes.
Funding Agencies:

Feeding a nestling with Syderoxylum obtusifolium fruit (identified by biologist Geisiane Sobral). Image: Ciro Albano.

Interacting with a Cynophalla flexuosa fruit in August 2023. Image: Mauro Galetti.

Geisiane Sobral
Name in Publications: Sobral, G. M. T.
Academic Background:
Biological Sciences, graduated from Federal Rural University of Pernambuco.
Master’s student in Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity at the UNESP (2025 – 2027).​​
I'm studying the role of birds in seed dispersal in Fernando de Noronha, Brazil. I aim to investigate frugivorous birds' role in seed dispersal within the island ecosystem of Fernando de Noronha. This archipelago, composed of 21 Neotropical oceanic islands, is home to only three terrestrial bird species: the Columbiform Zenaida auriculata and the Passeriformes Vireo gracilirostris and Elaenia ridleyana, both endemic and endangered.
This project integrates aspects of the research titled “Linking Trophic Networks: The Role of Frugivorous Birds in the Maintenance of Seabird Breeding Sites in Fernando de Noronha”, which was submitted in response to CNPq’s Public Call No. 17/2024 and approved under the Archipelago and Oceanic Islands Program.
Funding Agencies:

Undergraduate student

Beatriz Maria Paccas Saraiva
Name in Publications: Saraiva, B. M. P.
Academic Background:
Computer technician.
Ecology graduated from UNESP.​​
I'm a Technician-3 and FAPESP scholarship. In my undergraduate degree, I studied the magnitude of defaunation in the Anthropocene, with a focus on songbird trafficking, in addition to showing which birds are most captured for trafficking in Brazil, what is the conservation status of each species and what are the biodiversity hotspots of these birds female singers in the country.
Funding Agencies:

Ana Laura Castoldi Vieira
Name in Publications: Vieira, A. L. C.​
Academic Background:
Biological Science, graduated from UNESP.​​
I studying the biodiversity contained in indigenous lands of the Brazilian Legal Amazon and try to describe the species according to the different biological groups. I also intend to assess the potential impacts of mining on this biodiversity.
Funding Agencies:

Rodrigo Cippolline Valim
Name in Publications: Valim, R. C.​
Academic Background:
Ecology graduated from UNESP.​​
I work with tree communities, botanical identification, and environmental consulting. In my current research study the floristic similarity between the canopy and regenerating plants of the Arecaceae, Lauraceae, and Myrtaceae families, considering the presence and absence of medium- and large-sized herbivorous mammals.​
Funding Agencies:

Victor Casagrande Souza
Name in Publications: Souza, V. C.​
Academic Background:
Bachelor in International Relations from the University of São Paulo (USP).
Ecology graduated from UNESP.​​
I'm Interested in the Anthropocene and public policies.
Funding Agencies:

Emilly Silva
Name in Publications: Silva, E.
Academic Background:
Ecology graduated from UNESP.​​
I create digital content for DEFAU Biota, focusing on outreach through social media platforms. My goal is to share reliable information about the impact of mammal extinction on ecological interactions, ecosystem functions, and biodiversity through engaging digital content.
Funding Agencies:

Natalia Romagna
Name in Publications: Romagna, N.
Academic Background:
Ecology graduated from UNESP.​​
I work on the scientific dissemination of the DEFAU-BIOTA project through social media. My focus is to raise awareness about the impacts of species loss in the Atlantic Forest, aiming to foster young people's interest in scientific topics and promote environmental consciousness.
Funding Agencies:

High school student

Heitor Xavier Bitencourt Radighieri
Name in Publications: Radighieri, H. X. B.
Academic Background: I am enrolled in high school - ETEC Prof. Armando Bayeux da Silva.
I am a scientific initiation scholarship holder at the Labic.
My project is to create a catalog of films and documentaries about climate change for young audiences.
Additional Information:
Funding Agencies:

Julian Apolinário Antunes
Name in Publications: Antunes, J. A.
Academic Background: I am enrolled in high school - ETEC Prof. Armando Bayeux da Silva.
I am a scientific initiation scholarship holder at the Labic.
My project involves monitoring the germination of Euterpe edulis in a greenhouse.
Additional Information:
Funding Agencies:

Rubia practices horse riding in her free time

Rubia Ferreira Henz
Name in Publications: Henz, R. F.
Academic Background: I am enrolled in high school, focusing on Natural Sciences and Mathematics with their Technologies - ETEC Prof. Armando Bayeux da Silva.
I am a scientific initiation scholarship holder at the Labic.
My project focuses on developing a guide for the identification and preservation of seedlings in the Atlantic Forest. It seeks to contribute to environmental education and the conservation of one of the most biodiverse forests in the world, serving as a valuable resource for researchers, students, and local communities.
Additional Information: Practitioner of rural horseback riding, member of the Catholic Church NGO Vicentinos, which supports individuals in situations of extreme poverty, volunteer teacher of religious education for children up to 8 years old. Interested in environmental conservation, geopolitics, and public policies.
Funding Agencies: